
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler

Week 1

Week 1 Assignments Include GetUserId and Number.These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Week 2

Week 2 Using Function , Array and Object.These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Week 3

Week 3 Include Basic Type , Scope and Equal Operators.These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Week 4

Week 4 Include First Array , Loop on and Passing Arguments.These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Week 5

Week 5 Includes Boston City and ES6 Module.These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Week 6

Week 6 Inculdes Word Count and Call Back Function.These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Week 7

Week 7 Inculdes Pac Man and insert DOM .These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Week 8

Week 8 Inculdes Eye Ball Movement and grid .These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Week 9

Week 9 Inculdes Hanoi Tower and binary search.These Assignments and Activities are Completed.

Ball Movement

Project 1

"In this project,the ball move between two fixed positions on the x-axis and y-axis on the page.Now I have added edge detection and the ball can bounce between two specific points."

Graphics Animation Of The Random Walk

Project 2

"The Project is track movement of the Ball.Now that have created three balls on the screen,it is time to make them move and bounce when it find edges."

Pac Man Movement

Project 3

"The project create a one pacman and its detect the screen edge to the Pac-Man animation.When the pacman detect it's edge it turn back and move on the screen"

Boston City Data

Project 4

"The project display the top five earner's names and salaries.That will display all employees who make a minimum of 200,000 in salary from the Boston City Data on the web page."

Word Count

Project 5

"In this project we have to print the first three most common words that apppear in a given text."

Multi Pac-Men Movement

Project 6

"In this project is to create a pacman on demand (button click) and move these pacmen across the page."

Eye Ball Movement

Project 7

"In this project,eye balls follow the mouse position on the screen using the mouse events."

Hanoi Tower

Project 8

"The projects,tower of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle where we have three rods and n disks.The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod."

Github Mini-Projects Semester - II

During this semester, I have acquired foundational knowledge in React and Node.js (Express, MongoDB), and successfully completed a range of assignments, including ES6 Word Count Exercise, To-do List, Form Creation and Validation using Formik, Shopping Cart Exercise, Fetch and Paginate Data, Tic-Tac-Toe Game, Navigation Bar Using Bootstrap, Bank Exercise, Shopping Cart Using Strapi, Testing, and Integrate Bad Bank Front End with Strapi.And these mini assignments are connected with my github account.

My Github ID : shiron's Github

Name: Shiron

Profile: Full-Stack developer

DOB: 22/08/2000

Email: shironsurendran2000@gmail.com

Phone: 9786184710

About me

Hi I am Shiron.I currently pursuing my post graduation in the field of MCA at Rathnavel Subramaniam College Of Arts And Science.

I completed my graduation in the field of B.sc Mathematics with Computer Application at Sri Ramakrishna college Of Arts And Science.

Efficiently learning a dual specialisation of Web development and App development.in the stack name called mern stack(MangoDB,ExpressJS,ReactJS,NodeJS) and react native. Comfortable with source control tools such as GitHub, as well as bootstrap. I am seeking a role in a company where I can contribute my ideas and be mentored towards a successful career.



HTML 90%
CSS 80%